I would like to put a carpet down it there the laminate is so cold in winter and maybe put in a sofa and a tv.I know tut tut but theres nothing more relaxing for me that to sit down and watch tv.I don't get to do it all that often and the girls are usually watching some rubbish in the lounge.I actually like to sit in that room and fine it quite cosy.My dilemma is the dinning table.I really like it and don't want to get rid of it.Its too big for the kitchen and i don't think i could squeeze a sofa in there with it.The piano is moving and the recuperating rabbit should be back outside soon.I will have a think and a plan and once the piano has moved shove the table around a bit to see where it will fit if anywhere.
Next time you see it it could be a different room.
Blogger has changed and i don't seem to have any control where my photos or text were going to go hence above.I will have to play around with that too.
Do you know what I love about houses in your country? All the rooms have doors. Not so in the U.S. I think doors, and being able to shut them, make the house more cozy. Best of luck with your re-arranging. That looks like a nice sized room.